Had my first successful orange pilling today (outside of my immediately family). Actually it took about six months, but he acquired his first sats today, and I feel good.
I wasn't even trying to push it on him. I think this was key.
He saw me post about Bitcoin a couple times on Facebook. I play innocent on there as to not frighten the normies. One time I think I posted something like "Should I buy Bitcoin?" Another time I shared an article about how Henry Ford predicted Bitcoin in the 1920s (energy as money, etc).
Then one day while at a baseball game he says to me, "So talk to me about Bitcoin."
Being asked to talk about Bitcoin is a dream come true for me. But I didn't want to blow my wad. He's a graphic designer and has a good understanding of tech, so I thought if I played it cool he'd have a real shot at seeing the light.
I said it's simply a way for two people to exchange value between each other directly, without having to go through anyone else. And also, as adoption grows I believe the world would value it much more than it does today.
His only real question was, "But what gives it value?"
To that I say, "What gives the dollar value? Most people have no idea how money works. But I'll send you a few good books I've been reading."
At some point I say, "Hey why don't I send you some so you can see how it works and you can just watch it for a while?"
Then I had him download BlueWallet and I sent him $20 worth. It literally took 5 minutes.
The next day I texted him a few educational links (mostly youtube vids cause people don't read anymore)...
Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System (original whitepaper by Satoshi Nakamoto) https://youtu.be/1yYrYCE4i1c
The Bitcoin Standard (book by Saifedean Ammous) https://youtu.be/MRczbPu8SQM
Bitcoin is Time (article by Gigi) https://dergigi.com/2021/01/14/bitcoin-is-time/
Bitcoin Audible (a podcast series; readings by Guy Swann) https://bitcoinaudible.com
Trader University YouTube channel (for insights into bitcoin and macroeconomic current events): https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7w04GVKPitHIoHz9Vr0B09k7I3ljTsur
And today, out of no where, wouldn't you know he bought his first $50 worth ...on Coinbase. 🫤
Now to show him how to take custody, and use a P2P exchange. Baby steps.
Anyway, I wanted to share. I feel like I helped someone cross the street.