Prompting AI to give me poems about spaceships:
In lofty space where stars doth shine, Where comets fly and planets align, There floats a ship of metal hue, Whose purpose great and mission true.
With sails of silver, and engines of fire, It traverses space and time entire, Its crew of valiant men and women bold, Who seek new worlds and stories yet untold.
O, how they journey through the void so vast, Their eyes alight with wonder that doth last, As they explore strange new worlds afar, And reach for heights beyond a star.
Their ship, a beacon in the endless night, A symbol of man's unyielding might, A testament to his unending quest, For knowledge, adventure, and conquest.
So here's to spaceships, those wondrous things, Whose sails and engines take to the wings, And carry us forth to uncharted lands, To boldly go where no one's gone before, with hands.