The 5 year plan and the rise of China is not by accident. It was implemented in Soviet a decade after Wall Street oligarchs financed the Bolshevik revolution.
History is written by the winners they say. Professor Antony Sutton studied this history, state department archives +++ and found a lot of things not in our textbooks. Below is a short clip 10 min tv interview from California University back in 1987. And a link to his paper Wall Street funded the Bolshevik Revolution.
This is what we are up against. This is what Bitcoin can help to prevent. Due to the hard cap on bitcoin supply funding for shit like this must come from holders. We may have a chance to fix this. Bitcoiners need to get educated, know their history, and never let fractional bitcoin get a strong hold of this space.
My hope is that since there is no bailouts in bitcoin, we get to root out the bad actors through natural bankruptcy before they become endemic like in the fiat world that was kicked into gear in 1913.