it would be better to not even send any traffic that way
if you're on twitter perhaps you could encourage your favourite 'influencers' to use Nostr or even RSS instead
Also cookies is not really how they get you anyway. They can fingerprint your browser without using cookies or even javascript, and since both Apple and MS block third party cookies by default on their browsers now, they're started relying on those alternative methods much more.
I just use my self-hosted Nitter instance and the Nitter Redirect extension. I have been meaning to setup an Indivious one for a while too, should get around to doing that.
P.S. For RSS, Nitter provides RSS feeds for any Twitter feed. You can also use those (or any RSS feed) to create a Nostr bot using Rsslay. That's also open source and self-hostable.
quite right, fingerprinting is far more effective than cookies, what I should have written was 'not everyone wants their (c)overt surveillance, abuse of digital rights, market domination, and/or support for tyranny'
I appreciate the RSS tip! However I try and avoid consuming social media content (/servers) completely, preferring to support and share the content of creators who provide alternative, open source or direct distribution channels.