thanks for taking the effort to share this.
I believe BTC price appreciation and most importantly the ability to Zap on Nostr will bring a new wave of non-bitcoiners driven by self-interest
I think so too.
The way most people will look at it is a choice between:
  1. Pay Elon or Zuck $10 a month for a tick and still get bombarded with ads and tracking
  2. Use Nostr for free, get paid if people like what I post, and pay others if I like what they post
Laid out like this the choice is clear.
Usually the barrier to getting people to try a new platform, even if it's superior, is lack of users on the new platform. Nostr does not have this issue and there is basically no friction to onboarding. Hit a button and it makes a keypair. Done.
And it has a great community of builders making cool shit all the time.
I am super bullish.
Hoping the Devine would help me now! as soon as I crawl on the way up I get dragged back deeper into Bitcoin and LN rabbit hole :) ......but i guess its time to give Nostr a concentrated effort
apart from what is your advice for a deep dive?
Best thing to do is sign up and look around, find people to follow, etc.
If you use Android you want Amethyst. If you use iOS you want Damus. For desktop I like
To find people to follow:
Twitter users with verified Nostr keys:
Trending people and posts:
If you use the Orange Pill app, there's a field on there for Nostr public keys too, and from what I've seen most people on it have that filled out.
thats super helpful .... thank you Xanny!
Very welcome mate!