I joined Nostr because it appears to have an incredibly active community with prominent people participating. I'm trying to build a Nostr bot now, I'm a total pleb who doesn't work in IT. I see it as a new internet technology that could be highly disruptive to current leaders/gatekeepers (Twitter, Facebook, et al.) and builds off of the theme of decentralization like Bitcoin.
I think Nostr, even if it doesn't survive, will inspire the next wave of the internet - call it Web3.0 or Web5 or whatever.
A growing number of people disagree with central gatekeepers - and now that there are communities that have proven a decentralized way can work.. there's no turning back. Pandora's box.
Pro: by participating in Nostr you have your hand on the heartbeat of cutting edge internet development (especially since it's integrating closely with Bitcoin/Lightning and relays are being written for personal nodes like Umbrel and Start9's EmbassyOS). By staring now you will have a head start.
Cons: Nostr might not work and you may spend countless hours working on something that one day stops working after people move on.