The bigest issues I have with Phoenix is that it doesn't let you back up your channels yourself, which means you're trusting ACINQ incase of data loss. Second is that while convenient, you can only open channels with ACINQ for the time being, which is bad for decentralization.
Blixt is great but a bit more involved to use, but otherwise it works perfectly. Only issue I have with it is the relatively slow startup times, and it feels just a bit slower to send payments than Phoenix (Phoenix feels instant most of the time).
Thank you for your feedback. How much storage does Blixt take on your phone if I may ask?
1.4GB-ish. I'm not sure what the breakdown on this storage amount is though. I wonder how much is LN graph data because I know Phoenix uses trampoline routing and I believe that means your phone doesn't need to store information about the network.