What tech on the fullstack? (which prog languages and which main frameworks?)
Python, Ruby, JavaScript, TypeScript.
Flask, FastAPI, Django, Ruby on Rails, Express, React, React Native.
Please DM me on Nostr, I could need some Ruby / Rails development in the next future.
From info provided that sounds like a good skillset! I'm not sure if I would have any other suggestion than to create solid CV and go to as many job interviews as possible. If it would be helpful I can check your CV. Feel free to DM me on Nostr (my npub is in my SN profile) and I can see if there are any immediate red flags in the CV - I hired a lot of engineers over the years...
The other option is that you create something on your own (startup, get investors, etc), but if you have only a month of runaway, that may be too short of a timeline - so perhaps taking even boring/shitty job for 6 months could get you the time to create your own thing.
Cool, thanks. I'll send you my cv.