It is pretty clear the Biden administration is trying to choke out bitcoin and the crypto industry. Many are concerned about this but I think ultimately it will be a good thing for Bitcoin. Short term who knows what the outcome is but long term this will have much more of a negative effect to the shitcoin industry than Bitcoin.
Yes bitcoin will be volatile, but it will persist, while the "crypto" industry slowly dies. Many "crypto" participants will just go away but some will move from their shitcoins to Bitcoin.
Bitcoin seems to get stronger with every attack. I am betting this will be the case again.
i don't think that is an unpopular opinion inside bitcoin circles. haven't seen any btc only types bemoan their loss of banking services.
Fair enough.
I agree. Short term it inconveniences the average joe, but will make them explore other on-boarding options if they want to buy Bitcoin. I think the choke point is more an attack on stable coins.