The Del'Orto Pizza used to cost 9£, now 15£! 😔
lol literally means Pizza of the Ass (in Spanish)
I was just about to say that you're getting f*ed in the orto.
Aaakshually, this is just in Argentina. "Del'Orto" means "From the garden" in Italian.
not just Argentina. We have adopted this increibly useful world in other Latam countries, maybe thanks to Argentinian comedy shows.
here is the perfect meme for this comment thread 😂
ass pizza is pretty good sometimes
It's 100% if you look at protein cost. In less than a year, the cheapest eggs in my country have risen in price by 2 times. And if you break down to basics it's all about energy. Physics. You can't create energy out of nothing. By creating money out of thin air, you are essentially dividing all the energy produced by the amount of money in economy. So we get increased prices everywhere.
Just discovered about drinking yerba mate. Good for overall health and doesnt make me hungry much so that helps hah
An 18% tax increase if you want to eat. And no significant policy change has been made to curb inflation yet. Rate hikes are clearly not the solution. But they still think so and it won't well. Just a matter of time until people turn on each other imo. It's the path of least resistance. The inflation is caused by a myriad of things and not one of them seems to be addressed. The article even blames the increase on "the price of vegetables going up" that's great work. Great insight. And no, money printing is not the sole driver of inflation. Productivity matters, energy policy, leadership and morale in the world, taxes and regulations, you name it. It has as much an impact as money printing and if those conditions are good they can even offset it.
Let’s blame it on the vegetables. In parliament.
I’m glad I just took up intermittent fasting.
Inflation is simply an increase in the number of units of a currency.
Nothing more.
But, a lot this inflation is also from energy policy. ESG policies make energy more expensive, which makes everything else more expensive to make.
Inflation is simply an increase in the number of units of a currency.
Nothing more.
imo the term "inflation" can have multiple meanings. it can mean the increase in prices, but it can also mean an increase in the supply of money in circulation
You will starve and you will be happy
Damn Big Veg! Blame big veg
Food inflation also means that it gets exported to other countries, if one country is desperate for goods they bid up another market to try and get the goods they want, so pretty sure it will continue to knock on and like bank runs, food inflation can drive panic buying and hoarding of certain foods too
Going to be a bumpy ride for sure