Great! I thought taproot itself allowed that. Anyway the bottleneck here are not the BIPs but the development of software that can make use of those upgrades.
Taproot enabled Schnorr signatures which can be aggregated this way.
However you have to aggregate the keys with great care. Simply adding the keys together opens you up to rogue key attacks from what I recall. Thus there's been several proposals for aggregation including MuSig, MuSig2, MuSig-DN, etc. It seems this BIP is standardizing MuSig2 for wallets/other applications
Oh I did not know that. I remember listening to tadje dryja talking about that in 2019 on youtube but I guess he skipped that part for the sake of simplicity. Do you know a good resource for learning about signature aggregation and proposals?
For signature aggregation (combining signatures, a potential fork of Bitcoin that could allow you to provide only 1 signature for multiple inputs, reducing fees):