Adam Fergusson elaborately explains chain of events which led to Weimar hyperinflation. Some researchers set the beginning of it in 1919 but I think that it started from 1914 along with the WWI. I placed the picture for illustration of my summary.
The value of the Fergusson book, besides of just recollection of facts about Weimar Republic may be found also in juxtaposition of similar events in Austria, Russia and Hungary.
The important thing any other summary may miss is in the sources which Fergusson references in his book. These are
  • How it happens : Talk about the German people 1914-1933 with Erna von Pustau
  • Costantino Bresciani-Turroni The Economics of Inflation: A Study of Currency Depreciation in Post-War Germany
  • The Great Inflation by Guttman
If you don't like much data and methodologies, you may omit Costantino Bresciani-Turroni monograph. Two others are worth reading before or after "When money Dies". The Guttman's book is apparently very rare but delightful.