Pretty cool! It looks like each topic shows me two items and I pick one (vote on it).
Curious about the win-loss thing. If your post loses, does that mean it stops showing up on the site?
I selected the stacker news topic and voted for several rounds, and then the lightning symbol vanished, but two SN posts were still showing up. Does this mean you can only vote a certain number of times for each topic (or did I just exhaust all the SN posts you had loaded up?)
I like that you're looking for ways to get nocoiners onboarded. It's interesting to think about incentives here. As a nocoiner, I can come to get some easy sats by liking posts (super easy to start, no friction). As a poster, I can link to content so that people will discover it. I could see a symbiosis for people who write guides to link to their content. I got to think more on this, but great job!
Thanks for comment and promise of thoughts :D
Yep, so posts are pitted against each other and the winner stays on for more voting and the loser is removed. You can think of it like a big random queue of posts being voted on. You can post the same thing thounsands of time, I feel the incentives are fine as you are paying to post.
There's some rate limiting but the site has also crashed a few times already :D Didn't expect so many people!