If you’re interested in elixir/nostr you should checkout this github repo: 
It also uses his Nostr_basics repo: 

 It’s brand new and doesn’t store events yet but will soon!
Developed by a professional developer and done by the book! If you’re a developer who’s into elixir, definitely give it a look over. The code is very readable and well documented so don’t be afraid to dive in! (Elixir is amazing on it’s own, if you haven’t seen it yet, you definitely should!).
I’m looking for more people to connect to my instance of his relay to help stress test it. If you want to help out, simply add wss://relay.codl.co to your nostr client.
Oh, and send Marc some sats to help keep his open source bitcoin/nostr work going! You can find his donation address on his GitHub page. If you're new to Elixir and need help getting it up and running email me at info@codl.co.