So right now 2 posts are voted against each other. Each post cost 4sats to enter the round of voting. This gives us 8 sats in the pot. The user votes and receives 1 sat, leaving 7. The winner is auto entered into the next round of voting, which cost 4. There's now 3 sats left, the winner gets 2 and 1 is distributed to users of the site.
Each win nets you 2sats, if you win 100 times then your 4sats would return you 200sats.
I'm thinking of adding a sort of double up feature. As your post wins, it automatically reposts itself. Imagine posting something and it would keep doubling up, so after 20 "rounds" your 4sats has returned 100ksats! What do you think of this? I'm struggling with the messaging. I figure this would incentive users to post and make it fun