There is no sense to use paper wallets anymore. [...] Search for paper wallet danger or something like that.
I call bs on that. Paper wallets are as secure as cold wallets. Especially you can put in the words into a cold wallet.
Be very careful and do not try to send some of it to another wallet and lose the change.
You can send without dust. Transaction cost at 10k Bitcoin are negligable. What are you even talking about
I mean it doesn't make sense to use new paper wallets today because we have better methods. Hardware wallets and hierarchical deterministic wallets. If you already have a paper wallet from many years ago, then it is fine as long as you protect it safe and know how to use it, but many users have lost a lot thinking they could use a temporary software wallet to spend part from a paper wallet not knowing how the change utxo works. The best thing you can do with a paper wallet is sweep it all to a hardware or cold software wallet. DO NOT CREATE NEW PAPER WALLETS. It is 2023.
Paper wallets are not seed phrases written down on paper.