only way to do hard things is to do them perhaps break them up in smaller steps make a to-do list check things off and treat yourself to keep going
but you already know this im sure
Interesting read.
I quite liked this:
Ultimately, thoughts about the past or future are not reality. They are cognitive events happening in the present.
The text describes Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), which is composed of 6 interconnected processes:
  • Experiential Avoidance → Willingness
  • Fusion → Defusion
  • Past/Future → Present-Moment Awareness
  • Rigid Stories → Flexible Perspective-Taking
  • Lack of Direction → Clear Values
  • Inaction → Committed Action
ACT is really good
there are free online workbook if you want to check it out
also per process there are excercises available
v focused on practical mindfulness
Бездействие → Совершенное действие. не противоречит?