GitHub started training AI on code hosted on their website.
Yeah, same as Google trains their algorithms with your email content, and many tools use Wikipedia text to train, etc.
If anything you produce is accessible from an external computer, assume it is being read and used in any way they want to, and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Act accordingly.
If you don't want other people to access your source code, keep the git repo in your own computer, or your own private network. Problem solved. Same for anything else.
The cloud is someone else's computer.
This is such a cuck mentality. If you don't want people reading your code, don't open source it. If you think a little text file named LICENSE is gonna stop people from doing stuff with it, you're ngmi.
No, you're wrong. There are actually very different kinds of licenses that do very different things (e.g. copyleft vs permissive). Please educate yourself before having opinions!
In theory there's no difference between practice and theory. In practice, there is.
I tried to create an account with an alias email address. Did not work. Support told me an alias email address is not allowed. Thanks for nothing, GitHub.
Good to know. Interesting how these platforms claim to be inclusive, yet they do this kind of discrimination.
Github hosting the Github-killer?
bye bye
He went to SourceHut where they ban all "cryptocurrency" related projects
Should totally switch to self-hosted gitea on EmbassyOS :)