amazing! Btw, It takes a couple of seconds for the zap to finish. Did anyone analyze what's the slow part? (The centralized implementation on feels better because its instant)
Of course it is slower, because it is actually using the lightning network, while on only the internal db gets updated. click bolt -> update Database -> finished Nostr: Click zap -> fetch invoice via LNURL -> pay invoice from wallet -> wait for nip-57 note for confirmation ... there might be even more steps involved.
Point is, you can NEVER beat the UX of a centralized solution. This is a known trade-off. Centralized solutions work great, until they don't work at all (you get censored, blocked etc.)
That being said, i think the payment UX on nostr has still room for improvement and it probably will improve a bit over time, but it won't reach the UX you would experience in a centrally managed Payment solution IMO
Not necessarily, if it is from Alby -> Alby then it is essentially also just a db update. But the latency comes from several steps, that can take long even if no "real" LN payment happens:
  • Fetch LN invoice over HTTP
  • Dispatch invoice over websocket
  • invoice gets paid
  • Zap Nostr event gets published to relays
  • Zap Nostr event is received by your phone
thanks for the corrections