This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Stacker News reminds me of the good ol' times of the Internet 1.0, but with sats.
Do people still say "FML"?
Fund My Lightning
Loads of great content and insights being posted today. Love this site šŸ§”
Who here has now realised that purchasing with Bisq & RoboSats is the only true way to stack (besides mining)?
You can exchange goods and services for sats. It's great because you don't have to pay any fees, those are paid by the sender.
Great Tuesday everyone, it seems alt season is happening but as always DYOR and always take profit, no emotions, don't fall in love with the coin, it's good profit from it, it's bad pull out ASAP. This is not financial advise of course in any shape, type or form. For me, it's do my DCA's and HODL. Easy peasy. Anyways I hope you enjoy this lovely Tuesday and have a blast with it, I send you some great vibes and positive thoughts, may you be successful in your endeavors, be well and stay frosty gang!
Off to the fiat mine. Increasing Peace of Mind with every sat I stack.
GM and PV, stackers! Let's get it!
Gm @k00b God bless you, I am streaming as i do every day XD hope you are well
Went bouldering after a long while again. I sucked hard as expected haha but I will probably (hopefully) regain my strength pretty fast.
Also, my coinjoins using Whirlpool in Sparrow wallet are almost done! Only 2 UTXOs remaining from 12. Took only almost 2 weeks lol.
After that, I can finally start to open some channels and dip my toes into running a LN routing node.
Will also sign a contract for a new position related to bitcoin today. One step closer to finding my spot in the bitcoin space!