Literally generated by LLaMA running locally on my Android phone:
> Write an article about how Bitcoin is a threat to democracy
Bitcoin has become one of the most popular forms of digital currency, with its value skyrocketing over recent months. But while it may be seen as a viable alternative for financial transactions and investments, there are serious implications that come along with Bitcoins’ rise in prominence; particularly when it comes to democracy.
The decentralized nature of the cryptocurrency makes regulating its use difficult at best—and downright impossible at worst. This lack of oversight allows those who would seek to manipulate markets or influence elections with Bitcoins’ value unchecked, posing a serious threat to our democratic processes and institutions.
Furthermore, this lack of transparency also allows those seeking to undermine democracy through illicit means a way to do so with relative ease and anonymity, making it difficult for law enforcement agencies to trace funds back to their source—allowing criminals or other malicious actors to use Bitcoin without being traced.
In conclusion, while cryptocurrency may be seen as viable alternatives in the financial world, its decentralized nature and lack of regulation makes it a serious threat to democracy; particularly when used for illicit purposes such as money laundering or influencing elections through manipulating markets with Bitcoin’s value.
Journalists bfto lmao.
Even down to the bait and switch between Bitcoin and cRyPtOcUrReNcY!
Imagine the bean counters in the towers of Mordor rubbing their hands together about being able to fling formula perfect propaganda copy at a rate of petabytes per microsecond.