We should probably help Jamal out on updating this, maybe he doesn't have time to follow everything up anymore
It might just be doing its job well enough to not need updates.
Are there features you wish it had that it doesn't or you're just concerned about lack of updates?
Polar still works great, but LN implementation are not updated. For example, Eclair team has released 0.7.0 in february 2022, but Polar still use 0.6.0 My main concern is about LN implementation version
You should be able to use a custom docker image with an updated Eclair
Here's the dockerfile source: https://github.com/jamaljsr/polar/blob/master/docker/eclair/Dockerfile. It looks like it just takes the ECLAIR_VERSION env var and checks out that branch.
It's not necessarily enough To use Eclair 0.6.2, you have to remove 2 lines in the Dockerfile. I made a gist few months ago https://gist.github.com/Dolu89/c193c5491d75d608f83efe4ff08ac778 (thanks https://twitter.com/lounes_kmt for the steps) That's why I was searching for something which work out of box. But once again, Polar is really awesome, I would love to see more updates
Oh I see, maybe submit your dockerfile as a PR? Jamal might not realize an update is available.
This is the way!