This week I started on the network transport. Spent 3 days mired in the misery and caveats and gotchas of alternatives to TCP (and QUIC), started working with libp2p two days ago, and will have the active retransmit avoidance dynamic error correction protocol done in the next days.
Libp2p is amazing. I want to build the lower layers of the network packet protocol leaner and fitted to the retransmit avoidance system, specifically, to tell the stack to stop trying to send packets that are part of a message that was already decoded... but that is for another time.
The result will be that Indra will have a latency delay penalty that is not as far from a simple tunnel as a Tor hidden service is. While being a hidden service. Privacy by default. Nobody knows where you sent your signals from except the immediate neighbbour in the path.
I don't understand much about networking but looking forward to Indra. How long until we can start using it?