1. Bitcoin:
  • On ramps. More bitcoin vending on the streets are needed.
  1. Lightning:
  • On ramps as well on the streets.
  • More guides and solutions for family custodial wallets like LNBank on BTCPay or Lndconnect on Lnbits. That way family and friends can have an easy to setup lightning wallet but without losing custody (trusting in my node of course). Today that wallet can be Blue or Zeus but they are fairly complex. With a simple one purpose plug and play wallet for that use case, that will help proper lightning adoption (instead of just using WOS or Muun).
  1. Nostr:
  • Better relays
  • Better Privacy for DMs (everyone can check who I have been sending DMs)
  • Not so much complexity on NIPs. When people talk about NIPx feature, they assume you know that NIP, meaning you checked the repo. That might not be the case for many. For Nostr to advance, features should get to the people in an easier to understand message.