I find myself going to SN more and more often to search through the old posts to see if I can find an answer to a question. However, the search feature could use a bit of improvement (ex: search only titles/posts/comments) + perhaps it should be located on top of the UI to encourage this behavior. What do you think @k00b?
I agree. Search was something I hacked in over a year ago in the span of a week and it hasn't seen much of an update since then.
We have someone joining in mid-may and hopefully we can get around to some more of these neglected things.
Who is joining if you don't mind asking? ;)
But I agree with OP, I also noticed some lack of UX with the search
Who is joining if you don't mind asking? ;)
I'm not sure I have permission to say. ;)
Guess I have to wait then haha