generic chinese calculator stealth wallet sounds like a great idea. With front facing calculator function and a key combo or longpress to unlock the wallet.
Here's some similar ideas for stealth hardware wallets:
  • An old TV remote (communicates with a computer via IR, the computer acts as a display for the HWW). If someone found an old TV remote in your bag, they'd be confused and you could just say it was your grandma's remote and it's the only possession of her's that survived the war (don't say which war, just pause and gaze off into the distance).
  • A handheld label printer. Ideally, it would still be able to print, and the HWW functionality would be hidden behind a cheatcode that you type or try to print.
  • A dumb phone with a graphical display.
  • An MP3 player/recorder running Rockbox. If you get one with a mic or audio-in jack, then you could transfer transaction data into it that way.
  • One of those portable monitors. Monitors have buttons and a display.
  • A desk VoIP phone. They have displays, buttons, audio in, and audio out. Just tell the TSA agent that your idiotic manager is flying you out to install the phone.