Sorry I stopped reading after take against custodial services because it followed take about adoption.
Bitcoin achieved critical mass of technologies so it is no more a monolithic community. We do even have 2 CoinJoin implementations which aren't friends meanwhile they could cooperatively increase each other anonymity set. This is just an example.
Bitcoin has plenty of "adoption projects" under Bitcoin Beach franchise, there is no protocol which does that.
There are legit points too. This is why we are here. But Bitcoin is not an end goal, Bitcoin is the way.
What way? Stack-until-you-die?
Visit Travala, buy a ticket to Bitcoin Beach. I don't know. Everything is individual. I basically have no other option that "stack-until-you-die". I can't have bank accounts in my country of citizenship, this is pointless and it may be arrested, soon I may be forbidden to have accounts in EU. So I don't have hard choices here.