It's not really a good idea to travel with a HWW or physical seed backup on your person, so I'd leave those at home.
It's also a bad idea to leave both the seed and passphrase unattended in the house. If the house is robbed and ransacked, then game over.
Thinking about what's necessary to restore the wallet, there should be at least two backups (points of failure) of both the seed and passphrase. Yet in this scenario the user only has one secure location to store backups (his house), so there's not much to work with.
I'd probably do something like this:
  • Seed backup #1: Metal Backup @ Home
  • Seed backup #2: HWW (seed-only) @ Less Secure Location #2
  • Passphrase backup #1: Paper Copy @ On Person
  • Passphrase backup #2: Memorised
In this case I think it's OK to leave the HWW in a less secure location, at least for a short while. Although far from ideal, there is no chance of someone finding and cracking the wallet before you get back. And if they do, it's only the wallet for the seed without the passphrase. I'd stick ithe HWW in an anti-tamper bag to help mitigate against evil maid attacks.
I'd keep the passphrase written down on paper. Nobody will recognize its significance as a passphrase in and of itself.
Lastly, I'd also have a watch-only wallet set up for the seed-only xpub, which could have a small dummy amount on it. If the funds move, you know to return back early.
I really like the idea of the watch only wallet for the dummy funds.