Its great for relaying the concept, providing training wheels and getting people in with low friction, but it doesn't mean we can't improve the amount of people who transition towards non-custodial.
Sure keeping 69 sats on a wallet is fine, but if people don't learn they'll be sitting with 69 million sats on a custodial wallet and that to me is a dangerous position to be in
Okay. Let's conduct thought experiment propose "Ethical Custodian" and limit maximal balance with 546 sats. Likely it won't be successful because people do not want to be limited in something a-priory so we return to just business and just clients who demand something.
I think these are two different arguments, mine is if people don't know about the options how are they meant to exercise judgment? If they do and still choose to go with a custodian that's up to the individual
So somebody should take care about those people who can't make judgement? Should we propose "Satoshi Test" for determining if service is custodial and introduce Custodial committee to oversee custodial industry?