Hi guys, we're hosting a PUBG (PC) duos tournament this weekend, mainly to have fun, but also to test out a new Discord bot we're building to help organisers organise better esports tournaments. Would love to get some play testers.
You'll be dropping onto a deserted island with up to 100 other bitcoiners, each out to kill you. Your mission is just to survive...any way you can.
The twist is there's a 16,000 sats entry fee, and we'll be offering sats prizes to the teams that finish in the top spots—prizes available will increase with the number of participants (50% for the first place).
We'll also offer a bonus prize of 50,000 sats for the duo with the most kills.
DateSat, 22nd April, 2023
Time15:00 (New York, ET)
Team sizeDuos
Max players100
MapTBC (we'll choose a map that suits the no. of participants)
ServerNorth America
Prizes1st, 2nd, 3rd + bonus for most kills!
As organisers, we won't be participating, we'll be just doing our best to make sure everyone has a great time, monitoring for cheaters, and streaming the game over at twitch.tv/dustupgg.
We're keeping scoring simple—just be one of the last duo alive! Top three spots all get prizes (50/25/10), plus there's a bonus we're providing for the player with the most kills to incentivise the hunters among you.
To register, just head to our Discord and our bot will walk you through the process. We have more info on our site, and always happy to answer any questions here or in our Discord. Hope to see you there.
This is great but if instead of a entrance fee you would get a sponsor, WoS maybe? Then the whole gaming community gets a chance to join and winners maybe get their first experience with lightning. Upvoted
Our thinking is that it's more exciting when all players have "skin in the game" but we're getting a lot of requests for a free entry so will consider one in the future. Thanks for the upvote!