Great write-up!
Would love to get a sneak peak inside the practices employed by these surveillance snails and the patterns they claim to be able to associate against. Need an insider with access to their toolset to detail it all. It’d be incredibly interesting and worth discussion on here.
Thanks for your input. I wish I knew more about all of the heuristics and how they use them but I once saw the risk scoring tool used by a chain analysis company and it looks pretty pathetic.
I don't think anyone really knows what they are doing and the community of plebs and cypherpunks can code faster then chain anal companies. We're way more clever too.
Thanks again for your comment.
many (if not all) of the heuristics they use are documented here:
Great resource, I have been doing research for a resource page on heuristics and the link you shared has some new ones that I don't think I have heard of before.
Much appreciated.