This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
I just found a cowboy hat! I don’t even know what I did to deserve it but I’m thrilled!
Brandy will give you a 2nd-day slight hangover. How is that possible. Tannins?
not sure if this has been posted? or if anyone finds it interesting
web3 called a scam by roy fielding, inventor of rest, and architecture of the web
Good morning gang!! It's Friday already, I apologize for not posting but was rather busy at work and it got brutal, but I'm back on track and I still was sending good vibes towards all of you, let's see how this weekend treats us, I wish you a spectacular one and filled with profit and success!! Put a smile on your face and pass it along, stay frosty and be well my friends!!
Coding bootcamp test this morning and then I'm going to try and build an app called habit-chain and figure out a way to enable V4V on my habit-chain react app. All ideas are appreciated<3
Going to a school today as a part of a program to teach children how to use Lightning and what Bitcoin is.
We usually tend to gift some sats to them to play around, but today I’ll try to teach them that also sats need to be earn, like any other type of money.
So asking the community here, which tools/apps/games are you using to teach your littles about Bitcoin? If they provide rewards in sats even better.
Very cool stuff, I'd love to hear more about this.
As far as resources to teach littles, would be a good one.
Day 6 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
Im with u bro. But i have also accepted that Bitcoin may be going to $3k first.
Anything's possible. Maybe a global depression + worldwide crackdown on Bitcoin could take us down to that range.
We'd need a bigger snail to get through that one.