Should work in all environments, including node, deno and react native. Uses @noble/curves for cryptography (but implements BIP340 signing natively).
The API is meant to be really simple and pleb friendly. You can convert an array of scripts (or anything really) into a taproot address.
The browser library is fully bundled and has zero dependencies. No additional imports needed.
This library is powering inscribetheplanet .com and a few other spinoffs. The test coverage is decent (but could be better). It should be ready for prime-time but I still consider it in beta.
Building scripts and transactions with tapscript is very fun and rewarding. It makes conditional statements obsolete, because now every branch of logic can be its own script.
I suggest trying out the library and experimenting with using tapscript to build transactions.
I hope to add more examples in the future. I an on building a free-form non-custodial transaction builder in the browser that anyone can use with existing wallets.
Please feel free to use and contribute, everything is open source. Thank you for reading.
Like all browser based tools, please don't use this on the same computer and web browser you're signed into your email and social media accounts and watching streamed pirated shows and have 13 or more browser extensions on lmao.