I think he hated the fact that he couldn't control bitcoin (he wanted composability, larger blocks etc) so he went and made a project that he could control. I have no problem with that, I have a problem with how it was sold, the scammy marketing over the years and paying influencers to promote eth and slam bitcoin etc. The constant narrative shift to try and suck more people in when the last narrative is dwindling.
He wants his cake and to eat it to. He wants all the positive features of a centralized corporation but under the guise and regulatory regime of a decentralized protocol.
I like to describe ethereum as Vitalik and eth devs sandbox where they circle jerk over complexity and your net worth is along for the ride. And I am absolutely fine with that existing in the world, as long as people understand what it is. Unfortunately, 90% of eth holders don't have any clue.