I mainly was in shitcoins to get a programming career started. After 6 months last half of 2021 I got in real close in two dev teams, and epically confirmed that all shitcoins essential characteristic is a doctrine and mind control system and that is fraud all by itself, let alone the ponzinomics of most of them. For me this was 6 out of 6, over the period since 2015, that I had worked on.
After 6 months on shitcoin dev wages I decided that, first of all, I was somehow susceptible to this manipulation, and schooled myself on manipulation techniques, even wrote a little mnenomic system to remind myself.
Then, as I had been steadily spending more time on Twitter during the exchange crashes starting in April I sorta just gradually drifted towards the bitcoin maxis, especially the ones who were hard core about exposing the scams mechanisms, Cory Klippsten the most notable one.
I had been involved in Bitcoin since late 2012 and my prior focus was around privacy and Tor, the two things dovetailed together in the dark web, which to me was an epic FU to prohibition, one of the major bees in my bonnet.
In late 2022 I had the lightning pill and realised an old idea I had around making a monetised, peer to peer distributed virtual private network system became viable with LN as the payment rails, satisfying the anonymity requirement, specifically in the case of using keysend and AMP, meaning it could be adapted to become a mechanism for anonymous payment for relaying session data allocations and access to hosted and hidden services.
Bitcoin is the only money. Lightning could almost scale up tomorrow to replace all the small payment clearinghouses back end infrastructure. We need privacy during the next decade most especially because of the ever looming threat of automated totalitarian spying and their control instrument, the CDBC.
Of course, like all bitcoin maxis, you know that bitcoin has the Lindy and that's just gonna be the end of that. Over 20k of shitcoins proves that nothing can improve on it or replace it and everything else is less secure, and that layers are the way you scale and interconnect.