Really excited to stumble across stacker news and also bitcoin bounce (simple little game that demonstrates how micro payments could incentivise game play). Lightning and these kinds of uses are how I see lightning and bitcoin by extension becoming a useful unit of exchange. Internet native and significantly more usueful than traditional finance. I was always sceptical of bitcoin being used in real life with retail merchants. Micro E-commerce and social networks are the way. Forget about Main Street in USA or Europe. Possibly in Africa, Asia or South America… but not where imcumbents are threatened.
Thndr has more and better games. I recommend Club Bitcoin Solitaire and Tetro Tiles. Also check out Zebedee, they have game offerings as well that allow you to earn sats. sMiles app lets you earn sats for walking and has some merchant offerings. You can earn via Bitcoin magazine app by reading their articles. And you can also post content on Nostr and similar to SN if people like it they will zap you some sats. There are alot of fun lightning integrations happening. There is even an Australian baseball team, the Perth Heat, that allow you tip their players in sats during the game for great plays and when they steal a base they post a QR code so you can steal some sats. Very cool idea.