The spend and replace movement is gaining traction amongst bitcoiners.
I am somewhat supportive. However, aside from the odd small transactions there are a lot of moving parts and considerations (tax treatment in your country of residence for one) in moving much of your spending to Bitcoin. But I do agree more demand amongst vendors to accept bitcoin, more bitcoin changing hands through real world transacting is ultimately a net good.
There is a local sandwich shop near me and my wife is friends with the owners. We usually get lunch from them once a week. I am going to suggest they accept bitcoin. Also, when doing online order pick up at walmart or the grocery store, we always tip the guys that load our order in cash but I am going to tip them in bitcoin via lightning going forward. Just a couple initial ideas of how I can do my own little part to expand adoption.
So that being said, I am going to make an effort to spend and replace more. Even if it is just small amounts of my monthly spending. Does anyone have a good resource for merchants that accept Bitcoin?
Taxation is theft.
there's, though I've found it had some entries that were no longer there when I wanted to try them. But that's exactly what it's for!
Thanks. I have looked at the map before. Unfortunately, nothing in my area. I have often thought of starting a home services business (I used to own a commercial property services business but sold it over a year ago) and accepting bitcoin as a way to undercut the competition. I would be happy to offer 10% discounts as long as the work is still profitable.
additionally, recent price stability around 28k in USD - is good timing for including fresh LN users, who rather prefer low volatilty to USD