For the lovers of books, ideas and the first thoughts around decentralized money, this book is a must read:
Short resume: The author argues for a radical reform of the monetary system. Hayek suggests that the government's monopoly on the issuance of money is the root cause of inflation, recessions, and economic instability. He proposes a decentralized monetary system, in which private institutions are allowed to issue their own currencies, and competition in the market determines which currency is preferred by consumers.
Hayek suggests that the use of a single, government-issued currency is a barrier to economic growth and that a competitive market for currencies would be more efficient and lead to greater stability. The book outlines a proposal for a system in which banks would be allowed to issue their own currencies, backed by assets such as gold or foreign currencies. Consumers would then be free to choose which currency to use, based on their perceptions of its value and stability.
Hayek's proposal for a decentralized monetary system was controversial when it was first published in 1976 but has gained renewed attention in recent years with the emergence of decentralized cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. The book remains an influential work in the fields of economics and monetary theory, and its arguments continue to be debated and explored by economists and policymakers around the world.
#B The Curator
Check also the famous interview with Hayek about this:
what if nations was invented as an excuse to get people to accept money printing and so on
Much needed path of peaceful resolution