You are telling me that you do two full time jobs and you still have most of your time for family and nature? So good for you. I may need to start browsing the jobs page here more often. So, the key is to learn typescript even if it sucks? ;)
Nah, the trick is to find job offers that do not require typescript ;)
If I may give you advice, skip the jobs page or any bitcoin-related job.
I applied for a lot of them and even got reasonably close to being Engineering Manager for one of them. But most of the places didn't even reply. There's just too little supply and too much demand for these jobs. I mean I'd love to work with k00b on SN but this would possibly be a very demanding job.
Choose a job that matches what you know; I don't know graphQL too well but I know MySQL, so I stick with that. And then try to do the hard work that no one wants to do, so that you don't need to do shallow work.
For example, we live with our inlaws, and I don't like hate to clean the floor (it gets very nasty very fast -- toddlers man), so I often instead cook difficult dishes (ie: korean bibimbap) and skip on the tasks I don't like.
Same with programming, I spend the time to read a lot of best-practices and write the documentation for it on our company. I refactor code often which helps everyone work more efficiently. I've implemented localization already three times for different companies because it's hard to do properly (arabic is RTL for example). In exchange, I don't spend time on shitty support tickets such as "ui looks ugly on chrome 78" (FYI, chrome 78 was released four years ago). This is a real ticket I was tagged in btw.
I thought that the best way for me to change the world would be to get a BTC job, but I figured the best way would be to stack a lot of BTC and then at some point use this BTC to invest it on cool ideas. I know a lot of good people willing to work on bitcoin/LN projects, I just need the money to be able to pay them.
such a great point. try not to work on the things that people are always arguing or complaining about. But work on the big ticket items if you can. usually higher risk with less direction on how to do it right, but makes you more valuable. Not to disparage the grunt work. it is essential. but, it tends to be commodified and therefore replaceable and not highly compensated.
good point, definitely it becomes a commodity when anyone can do that said grunt work. I actually still have money I can earn with my previous employer since they have a feature they want to implement but it requires deep knowledge on everything I built.
For example, I'm one of the only engineers who speaks English and Chinese fluently (both widely used in the company), and as such I'm not very easily replaceable.
how did you get so fluent in other languages? very impressive.
Key is to provide a lot of value to a lot of people.
Note that OP mentioned he gets praised at both companies.
He delivers good quality, and everyone is happy about the outcomes.
The time it takes to make it happen is not important for the company, ideally the less time the better.
ideally the less time the better
I like that! :D