I immediately believed this when you said said you hate typescript and I’m not sure why.
I have your repo cloned and running locally, so I was suspecting you're not a fan of TS either :)
I like bootstrap but I'm not a big fan of their predefined classes, though I see you're also using CSS modules, which is awesome.
Keep telling myself I'm gonna send you some PR one day! I know sh*t about graphql though.
With you on this. never had to work with graphql, so every time I look at it I don’t quite get it or like it. But, like all other languages/tools I have learned, once i learn it, Stockholm syndrome sets in and I start to like it!
i thought i liked typescript. but i’m starting to feel like it is just a really intricate linter. So, sometimes I like it, lots it’s just annoying.
yeah, it definitely does