Easy to signup… too easy! First thing I checked was if there was any setting that allow to connect my node ... it will be a great option to have!
What about custom, alternative personalized LNaddress? like supratic@lifpay.me but also keep the random one for private payments?
send an email to: support@lifpay.me & i will ask my team to change the name for you. Right now, i cannot send you money with the screenshot address you DM me, and the address you provided for some reason. Again, once you are done, let me know :)
oh there's no need to change it, I thought it was a nice option to have on screen. I verified the address from my mobile and now I can receive on b549da48@lifpay.me
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btw, "allow to connect my node" is a brilliant idea! Let me check with my partner to see whether it can be done.
it can definitely be done, just need to figure out the way :) 🤞
well let's change the name to supratic@lifpay.me now, and we will make the magic happens :) btw, DO let me know once you change it so that i can send you some sats on supratic@lifpay.me!!
not sure how it can be done? now? can't see any option to do it on iOS, nor the web app
in the app, there is a top right button. when you click, there should be a QR code which you can click, and you can see ____@lifpay.me & you can change it there. Let me know :)
nope... this is what I see after clicking the QRcode, no option to change it.. nor I can't see how here on this screen I could