The people who will gulp the orange pill in are the ones whose immediate life situation, combined with experiences, recognise a possible solution for a discomfort in their lives.
If you want to trade denominated in sats with someone, you need to find out what things in their life give them the most stress, and where it can really be a benefit, point them towards that application of Bitcoin to one or more of their most pressing needs.
They will want to deal in sats with you just for the sense of being valued so as to listen and to think and to give a genuinely helpful solution to them.
Nobody is interested in a new thing unless it makes their life better somehow. For some the reasons that get traction are very personal, vain, or frivolous. The hipster chic, the glamor of the outsider geek with the shiny trinkets... the sense of "saving the world".
But when all is said and done, it's one less person I have to wade through the fiat system to pay.