Testnet address does not show up to start the chain. its blank, even when i press to copy the address and paste it, no address shows up when i hit paste.
That's weird. It shows up fine for me. Rijndael also tested it yesterday and said it works for him. What browser/os combination are you using? I want to debug the site in that setup.
Also, do you have ublock origin installed? Sometimes it blocks web requests, including requests to js resources hosted on other sites
Disabling ublock seems to have resolved the address issue, although after i send sats to create the chain nothing happens afterwards.
That's so weird! If you care to try again, consider opening your browser console, and you should see this:
Once you deposit the funds, the thing that says "waiting" should change after about 60 seconds. If it displays an error, can you tell me what it says?
Tried again but just says
waiting... waiting... waiting...
connected to wss://relay1.nostrchat.io not mining.
Showing up now an again.
That is weird, none of those are errors. It should continuously poll mempool.space's api for an incoming payment, detect one after your wallet sends one, and then redirect you to a screen where you can view your spacechain. The only thing I can think of that might go wrong is if mempool.space's api throws an error, which should show up in your browser console, but your screenshots don't show such an error.
Wait, are you sending precisely the amount it asks for? If you send the wrong amount it will ignore the transaction even if you sent more than it asked for. I usually use https://bitcoinfaucet.uo1.net/ to test it because that faucet lets me send precise amounts.
I'm sending over the amount asked as the testnet wallet I'm using can only send a minimum of 5K SATS, so i guess that's why its not working for me. Bummer :(
well I don't want to make it accept more than the requested amount otherwise users will lose money...but I guess they are losing money anyway by sending to these addresses with no recovery option so I'm not sure what to do about that
I just did what you mentioned and sent from a faucet (don't know why i did not do this ages ago) and yea its working.
Thank you, you make some cool stuff man,
While i have your attention i also tried to use https://supertestnet.github.io/lightning-evouchers/ but when i enter the sat amount and hit submit i get
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at https://app6.lightningescrow.io/createholdinvoicev2/?amount=1000&hash=1fded5937f8c6a5985123e46595d1cac2462f17fbb76011e512e1f2efdcda3b9. (Reason: CORS request did not succeed).