Mining is the search for a multiplier for a certain number. With the help of a mirror and a laser and vibration I was able to find that number faster than all the miners put together. Let's say... the number is 73947564873947582937645. what two numbers need to be multiplied by each other to get this number! ? I did it in 3.33 seconds. then I multiplied the number 1000 times and it became 9385592032034087692384747691209356708237165092487502476 And that number was also broken down into two multipliers in 3.33 seconds.
Let's say... the number is 73947564873947582937645. what two numbers need to be multiplied by each other to get this number! ?
73947564873947582937645 * 1
or if that doesn't count:
The number ends with 5, so it's definitely divisible by 5:
$ time python -c "print(73947564873947582937645 // 5)" 14789512974789516587529 python -c "print(73947564873947582937645 // 5)" 0,01s user 0,00s system 96% cpu 0,016 total
Took my computer less than 10ms. Probably even less.
Are you talking about prime factorization? That has nothing to do with bitcoin mining afaik.
That was a made up number, take a prime number . e.g. 359334085968622622831041941960188598043661065388726959079837 This one. The experimental laser-based miner is already solving blocks faster than anyone else. Sounds like science fiction, but it will be proven when you see in blockchain a huge number of solved blocks by one miner. There is no other way to prove it.
No, not looking for a number that gives an exact answer, but For example, what two numbers should be multiplied by each other to get, say, 7. Any options?
Tell me which calculator except bitcoin can decompose and count numbers. decompose the number 13 into two identical multipliers. what two identical numbers need to be multiplied by each other to get 13 after multiplication? for example 3.61 * 3.61 = 13 ... Can you advise me a calculator? Does anybody know?