I think all of the above plus, like it says down bottom of the page the good article’s on, spending it.
We can use it today as freedom money. We don’t have to wait until some mythical future when we are all suddenly somehow ‘free’ and the state somehow allows us to then spend our freedom money.
We can transact today with no trusted third party, no man in the middle.
Just like how we hold it during market chaos and we laugh outrageously because no one is MITMing our funds, and there’s no counterparty.
So to we can start transacting today with no MITM and in so doing give a big middle finger to the entire apparatus constructed to leech off and surveil our transactions.
There’s freedom in holding it and there’s freedom too in spending it because it’s freedom money.
A bitcoin circular economy is crucial for the project to succeed.
It's happening, though. I'm seeing signs that point to it everywhere.
That'll show them how serious we are.