My view is a bit more pessimistic. I don't think Apple implements Lightning support. I think that his recent tweets is more about adopting a Bitcoin standard, flipping off anyone that doesn't have a Bitcoin strategy or doesn't think Bitcoin is important. "Think different" as in don't get stuck in a fiat world, think outside of the box (Bitcoin), etc.
Apple implementing and thus acknowledge Bitcoin would obviously be huge as that would make it easier to onboard a whole lot of people but I simply don't think that happens this year.
I have an ex-coworker who had $500 🌽 but couldn’t handle the volatility and sold at zero profit after holding for a few years. He now *hates * Bitcoin (projection obviously) but even more, loves Apple. Bitcoin coming to Apple in any way would make his head 💥💣💥!! I’ve got my 🍿🍿 ready!