TLDR - YES. Making it mandatory would encourage even higher quality content instead of (what seems to be happening now more often) blatant attempts at sat farming.
Machine learning/ChatGPT TLDR - NO. FUCK NO.
Read Dune and the reasoning behind why computers were outlawed, it makes a lot more sense than it sounds.
Making it mandatory would encourage even higher quality content instead of (what seems to be happening now more often) blatant attempts at sat farming.
How come? You think someone who does not want to provide it will provide "higher quality content"? They will just half-ass it or not post at all.
I don't think you meant them not posting links at all with "higher quality content".
Also reminds me a bit of survivorship bias: Yes, the ones which will still post links and provide mandatory TLDR will probably be greater content.
But maybe a lot of links won't be posted at all then.
If it's worth half assing then it's not worth posting.
Less lower quality content = Higher quality content overall.
Most would probably be very happy with a new post every 20 minutes worth a discussion rather than a simple link and shitty headline posted every 2 minutes like now.
Most would probably be very happy with a new post every 20 minutes worth a discussion rather than a simple link and shitty headline posted every 2 minutes like now.
Well, I disagree. I am here to stay up to date on news and not read summaries of random people.
Btw, you don't need to scroll "Recent" if all you want is "new post every 20 minutes worth of a discussion".
That sounds a lot like what the main page is for.