My answer to Daniel Prince’s final question on the Once Bitten Podcast : “If you had one orange pill left to give who would it be and why!”
My answer: Joel Salatin
I listened to a podcast by Homesteaders of America with Joel Salatin and honestly couldn’t tell if I was listening to a bitcoin podcast.
“We’re building an alternative system”
“There’s no top down solution”
“That’s worth more than your 401k, if it’ll even be there when it’s time to spend it”
There were many such comments.
The homesteading community gets pretty much everything that’s wrong with our society but have yet (to my knowledge) to pinpoint the broken money. Or if they have to realize that bitcoin is the solution.
This is a match made in heaven.
Texas Slim is already pushing this forward with “Shake your ranchers hand” and has had many successes with the beef initiative.
Are there any bitcoin homesteaders out there?
nostr is chock full of btc homesteaders. follow the growstr tag and you're flooded with plant growing, chicken farming, hog videos by people trying to figure out how to be self-sufficient for the forst time. And since it's nostr, well... they know.
reply I think Spirko would qualify. People will start from different points, I think all wake up to the totality of the resistance as we continue down the rabbit hole. I was talking with my family today and I realized the money is very important but it is not the only thing we need to change- we all have starting points and areas of interest/expertise:
Tech- devs outside big tech (FOSS, code is speech) Politics- Libertarians/ancaps (End the Fed, limited government) Culture- Families/traditionalists (homeschoolers, classical education) Preppers- Survivalists/homesteaders (decentralization, free market) ???
I started when I fully understood what the End the Fed phrase meant, I imagine many here at SN started through the tech, but the broader movement is Liberty and our money is Bitcoin.
Literally just listened to the Jake Wolki pod and who did he answer???? Joel Salatin Lol