"Bitcoin is not a community, and as long as it is, it means it's failing". Exactly. For hyperbitcoinization to work, bitcoin has to become the unseen base layer that people use without even knowing they use it. Doesn't mean there can't be a community that underpins and supports it, of course.
So then the question is, is this forum for those, or is it for everyone?
The fact that it IS lightning-enabled and doesn't even say it could mean one of two things: a) it knows that the people who are here know anyway, you don't have to tell them. Then it's for the community core. b) people can participate without even realizing what it is they're getting. That can on-ramp them and slowly get them to understand. Then it's still for the community, but a means to socialize new people into it. c) people can participate, never need to realize, and can use this forum for anything. Then it's a wider network.
If this forum is ever going to grow beyond just a handful of users, c) should be inevitable. You can't scale something like this all too well without having some sort of finer-order organization, like boards. You'd have a lot of people stacking sats without knowing they even have them, and they'd learn at some point that those can be exchanged. That would be a nice development to have.