I recently started to run a CLN node using start9 node in a box solution and so far it has been a disaster!
After I got the node spun up I connected it to my Zeus wallet to open a private channel. Once the channel didn’t open I tried to open it again on Zeus with no success.
To get better node management results I started to use Ride The Lightning. That is when I noticed both channels were stuck pending open. Using txn IDs I had no luck in finding transaction for either channel even after the mempools cleared. These two channel opens still show up as pending on RTL and I have no clue how to fix it
To make my node discoverable I opened a sizable channel to Wallet of Satoshi. After failing to make any payments besides to WOS wallets I decided to close this channel. The cooperative close took longer than usual so I force closed it.
After the close the utxos are not showing up on Zeus or RTL. When checking the mempool I confirmed the channel closed and utxos went to my node but for some reason both RTL and Zeus aren’t showing the most recent state of my CLN node.
I tried to get help on the BOL2 social media community but it went dry there quickly.
If anyone can provide troubleshooting tips or a step by step way to recover the correct state of this node I’ll pay the bounty once I can access the utxos from this closed channel. I’ll throw in some extra sats if you can help me fix the pending channel close as well.
I have limited experience with command line and Linux but I can follow instructions if they are clear and well written.
200,000 sats bounty
lightning-cli listfunds
and find your UTXOs under the outputs section. If you have jq installed, you can runlightning-cli listfunds | jq .outputs
to see this information.lightning-cli listfunds
-bash: lightning-cli command not found
docker ps
docker exec -it <container_id> /bin/sh
cat /var/log/start9/lightningd.log